2012 – The Year for London Paralympic Games

2011031518414208_20110317_1987199604          2012 is not only the film’s name.  For most of our table tennis players, it’s a very challenging year as we shall compete vigorously in the London Paralympic Games.

For me, 2011 is a very hard year as I need to fight totally eight tournaments to capture a place at 2012 London Paralympic Games.   My efforts made are not in vain.  I am finally ranked seven in my class.  It means that I achieve the first step to the road to London.

Anyhow, the matter is not yet finished.  On the contrary, it is just a start.  Paralympic Games is the highest level competition.  It is not an easy task to get a Paraylympic medal, particularly I need to win Chinese team.  So, after enjoying two weeks’ rest during the Christmas holiday, I already began my training yesterday.

“I pay doesn’t mean that I would be rewarded.  But, surely I would not be rewarded if I don’t pay.”