Absence from the Medal Presentation Ceremony

20110917215628      Do you find the photo very strange?  It’s because the gold medalists were not present at the medal presentation ceremony last evening.  Only a young guy represented them to accept the medals.

Gaining from my past experience, it’s not uncommon that some players would be disappeared during the medal ceremony in some European tournaments. Some of them needed to rush back to their home while some of them were busy at their personal affairs.  I don’t think it’s a good practice as it is impolite to the organizing committee and also is not respectful to other participating players.  What would happen if everyone ran away from the medal ceremony?

Being professional athletes, we always demand the organizing committee to do the best for us including accommodation, meals, transport, schedule, competition venue, etc.  However, I do hope that one bears both rights and responsibility.

Thus, if not for any very special reason, one needs to be present from the start till the end.